2. Zurich

In contrast with the stop-over in New York, the Zurich airport was green and clean. My goal was to make my way to the youth hostel. This was my first moment alone in a country that I did not speak the language, and I did not know how to get into town. The Information booth in the airport told me to "take the train." Train? where? Down the escalator into a tram that brought me near the town.

At the transfer I had no Swiss change and could not figure out how to buy a bus ticket from the vending machine. The girls (Swiss girls, of course) used their own money to by me a ticket. There was some event in the park that I hung out at - photos below. Then I made my way to the hostel in the guide book at Mutschellenstrasse 114, the same hostel as today in 2011 - photos from  www.youthhostel.ch/en/hostels/zurich/ :

The hostel has not changed. That's is probably the same foosball machine that I played.

Joan Jett "I love Rock and Roll" was playing on the stereo.

Of course no Internet. Here are the Zurich pages from the Baedeker's guide book that I carried:


 The hostel out of the map on the lower left.

The scene at the east shore of Lake Zurich.

This was not what I had imagined of Zurich, Switzerland.

To this day I don't know what they were doing.

I walked down this street on the way to the hostel - pretty classy!

This was my first time riding a "light rail." A few years later Sacramento got a light rail, manufactured by Siemens of Germany


Looking south from the Zurich train station