On April 14th, 2006 two of our parakeets got into a fight and Minnie-Me died. See Minnie-Me here.

Meanwhile a friend of Kim's sister's son had gone away to college, and his parakeet was now living in a cage with a bigger bird of another species who picked on her. A mutual friend told my sister that she had parakeets. She phoned my sister and asked if we could provide a better home for her. Because of Minnie-Me's death, my sister offered to give us the bird that we named "Sky Blue." We got

Our only male "Green Bird" ("Scratchy") immediately chose Sky Blue as a favorite. "Blue Bird" ("Itchy") subsequently died on February 4, 2007, leaving "White Bird" out. On August 20, 2008 Sky Blue and White Bird got into a fight and Sky Blue nearly died - see photo below. Ever since then her left foot did not work, but the remainder of her life was good.

Around May 2011 I noticed that Sky Blue was getting a bump in the back. On August 5, 2011 I took her to the vet, assuming that they could do something. But the doctor explained it's either a tumor or infection, and even antibiotics would not likely fix the problem. I decided to have Sky Blue put to sleep. (See last photo - I had brought Green Bird to the vet, not expecting that they would not be coming home together.)

The first two photos below are actually "Blue Bird" in March 2006 - but since I didn't create a website for Blue Bird, I put them here.

From: Kim Berry
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 5:47 PM
Subject: blue bird died today

Itchy (blue bird) had been getting weaker for months, and would stay in the cage all day as the other birds played. Last night we saw her on the floor looking for seeds, wobbly on her feet. We decided to put her in a separate cage in our room to assure rest. This morning she was alert but would not eat or drink. We put her on a towel with lettuce and apple bits around and I warmed a small towel with a hair dryer and put that over her. An hour later she was gone. We had debated taking her to a bird doctor yesterday. Don't know if that would have made a difference. But I think she was happy to have our attention in her final hours much better than finding her at the bottom of the cage. She's buried next to yellow bird, who she killed 10 months ago in a fight and was never the same since.

March 31, 2006 - Blue Bird flying

March 29, 2006 - Blue Bird eating millet

May 28, 2006 - Green Bird / Blue Bird / White Bird / Sky Blue - on window sill

May 28, 2006 - Sky Blue and Blue Bird

June 4, 2006 - Green Bird and Sky Blue

October 9, 2006 - Green Bird / Sky Blue / Blue Bird / White Bird

April 30, 2007 - Sky Blue

April 30, 2007 - Sky Blue / White Bird / Green Bird

April 30, 2007 - Sky Blue / Green Bird

April 30, 2007 - Sky Blue

August 20, 2008 - Sky Blue after fight with White Bird

May 14, 2011 - Sky Blue - tumor visible

May 14, 2011 - Green Bird

May 18, 2011 - Last photo of Green Bird and Sky Blue together...

If I would have known she was not coming home from the vet I would have taken photos on August 5th.
They were together outside in the sun for about an hour in the small cage before we left.


 August 5, 2011 - after Sky Blue anesthetized